Vince’s birthday photo


I’ve known Vince for about 10 years now. I sailed with him and his brother years ago on the ferries. We’ve been working together on this ROV job in Bass Strait the last couple of weeks. Hadn’t seen him for a few years. It’s his 55th birthday today (he hasn’t aged a day since I met him!) so I snapped this pic of him. It’s a little tight but there’s not much room on the ship at the moment as we’re chock full of cargo and ROV gear. Still, the lighting is really nice and it’s a good practice for naturally-lit portrait stuff. Feel like I’m starting to get a lot more comfortable picking natural lighting situations now. Used to hate overcast light but now it’s fast becoming my preferred lighting. Becoming more aware of light bouncing or being blocked/directed in subtle ways like walls/objects like this photo demonstrates.

Vince was flanked on either side by shipping containers and a large bulkhead so the light is coming down from directly above him like a giant softbox. Really flattering for his Maori features, I think.

Really, really loving this 70-200mm f2.8 LII lens, although some of the screws have fallen out of the barrel which is a bit concerning. I’m noticing the focus fall off particularly on the left hand side of the lens (bottom of pic) so I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with the lens or what. Will have to get it looked at. (edit: yeah I think the loose barrel was letting the plane of focus shift a bit… found a couple of tiny screws in the bottom of my camera bag and put them back in… hopefully this fixes the problem!)

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